Intellectual Property Rights
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Intellectual Property Rights
Navigating the UAE’s evolving tax landscape requires expert insight and strategic planning. Tax advisory services assist businesses in complying with local tax regulations, optimizing tax liabilities, and ensuring efficient tax management. Expert guidance on VAT, corporate tax, and other tax obligations enables informed decision-making while maintaining compliance. Strategies are designed to keep businesses ahead of regulatory changes, minimize tax risks, and align tax plans with broader business goals.
Key Intellectual Property Rights Services

Copyright protection secures original works, including written content, software, music, and other creative creations, granting exclusive rights to the creator.

Trademarks protect brand names, logos, slogans, and other identifiers that distinguish a business’s products or services from competitors in the market.

Patents protect new inventions, granting exclusive rights to the inventor for a specified period, preventing others from making, using, or selling the invention without permission.

Industrial Designs
Industrial design protection safeguards the unique appearance of products, such as shapes, patterns, or color combinations, which enhance their visual appeal and brand identity.
Our Approach
Next Gen Advisors assist businesses protect their intellectual property through strategic advice, ensuring that all creations and innovations are properly registered and legally safeguarded.
+971 4 326 1451
Frequently Asked Questions
The name you choose must be unique and include the company’s legal status. Additionally, the company name:
- Cannot offend the general public, nor be indecent
- Must be relevant to the business activity of the company
- Must not include religious references or words
Choosing the most appropriate activity for your company is crucial. Divided into clearly defined groups, business activities can have multiple sub-activities, which can be added to the same license, but only from within the same activity group. As a company may only perform activities stated within its license, getting this right is vital. Next Generation Corporate Services uses our years of experience and local knowledge to offer advice on the best licensing option for your business specifically.
It’s a legal requirement that the company’s registered office address is in the license-issuing Emirate. The company can however legally open branches anywhere in the country or overseas, without restriction.